Wedding Party is well known for our huge variety on Rental Services and Items. We have managed to accumulate a wide selection in this particular Department of the Company. The Rental Department is most certainly the Largest Department in our Business.
Whether it is for an Elaborate Wedding or even for a small Intimiate Dinner Party, we will be able to assist you. No Event is too big or small for Wedding Party to accommodate. We will assist you.

For your convenience we have seperated the Various Rental Items in Catagories and also listed them in Alphabeticle Order.
We trust that you will find all the items you are looking for on display here that will help make your journey to create the Ultimate Event more memorable!
Please note, due to the fact that our Rental Department is extremely popular, the Items are well booked in advance. If you see something that you know you will require for your Special Day or Event, rather book it immediately to ensure availability.
If you are failing to plan, you are planning to fail!